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31 December 2005

Male Domination of the Internet Is Over, Study Finds.

The days of men dominating the Internet may be over, a new study finds. But, according to the study, the two sexes use the Web for very different things. The study says 68 percent of men and 66 percent of women now go online. Since women make up a larger portion of the population, that means they outnumber men in cyberspace. The research suggests men largely go online to pursue solitary pursuits, while women use the Internet to enrich their existing relationships. Men go online to further their hobbies, for example. They are much more likely to use the Internet to read online, take Web classes and take part in sports-fantasy leagues. More men than women will download software and music or use a Web cam. By contrast, 94 percent of women who go online do so for e-mail. Women see e-mail as a way to nurture friendships. They'll write to family and friends to share news and stories, ask for advice and discuss plans. When men use e-mail, it tends to be for work-related activities or for forwarding jokes or humorous stories. Believe it or not, women are just as likely as men to use the Internet to play games, listen to music, watch videos and share files. And both sexes are equally likely to gamble online. In fact, 4 percent of the population surveyed gambled online. Source: ABC News Tags: , ,


  1. I raised an eyebrow when I saw the header. But, then, I must remember that you're in Egypt. That explains everything. Long live cultural differences. ;-)


    I also did a post on this. A woman who saw the post wrote the following comment:

    Not sure why this would be referred to as a "gap". In the early '90s I researched gender differences for my M.S. program and found a strong tendency for males to do programming and use computers to play games while women used them to perform tasks. In the intervening years, the more useful PC's and the Internet became, the more women use them.

    I tend to agree with this explanation of how women and men use the Internet.

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