Are you looking for my non-technical blog?
31 December 2005
4 Hours to 2006
Python IDE
Male Domination of the Internet Is Over, Study Finds.
27 December 2005
JNCIS-FWV Exam Objectives (Exam: JN0-530)
Tags: Security, Networking, Juniper, Egypt, JNCIS-FWV, Gr33n Data
25 December 2005
Tags: SQLIte, Debian, Gr33n Data
24 December 2005
Kubuntu = Ubuntu + KDE
Ubuntu Synaptic Without CD
23 December 2005
GMailRCS - Version 1.00
Tags: Gmail, Programming, Gr33n Data
Using Autoconf for Phun and Profit
22 December 2005
Linux Run Levels
id:2:initdefault:You can find there also the different Run Levels on your system and which is which. In Ubuntu for example it will look like this:
# /etc/init.d executes the S and K scripts upon change # of runlevel. # # Runlevel 0 is halt. # Runlevel 1 is single-user. # Runlevels 2-5 are multi-user. # Runlevel 6 is reboot.Then in the "/etc" you may find different folders "rc1.d", "rc2.d", and so on. Each folder contains the different scripts to be executed whenver the system enters its equivalent Run Level. Tags: Linux, Runlevel, Gr33n Data
21 December 2005
Foundry IEEE 802.1x

BigIron(config)# aaa authentication dot1x default radiusThen you net to tell it the RADIUS server's IP and other parameters
radius-server host auth-port 1812 acct-port 1813 default key abc123 dot1xNow let only one user has access to ethernet port "3/2"
BigIron(config)# int e 3/2Then enable the 802.1x on the switch, and enable multi-user policy
BigIron(config-if-e100-3/2)# port security
BigIron(config-port-security-e100-3/2)# maximum 2
BigIron(config-port-security-e100-3/2)# exit
BigIron#(config) dot1x enableAnd enable flow-based ACL
BigIron#(config-dot1x)# multi-user-policy enable
BigIron#(config) interface e 3/11Configure place holder ACL, just a fake ACL with fake IP in it to redirect the first packet of the session to the CPU
BigIron#(config-if-e1000-3/11)# ip access-group flow-mode
BigIron(config)# access-list 131 deny tcp host any
BigIron(config)# access-list 131 deny udp host any
BigIron(config)# access-list 131 deny icmp host any
BigIron(config)# access-list 131 permit ip any anyBigIron(config) interface e 3/11
BigIron#(config-if-e1000-3/11)# ip access-group flow-mode
BigIron#(config-if-e1000-3/11)# ip access-group 131 in
BigIron#(config-if-e1000-3/11)# ip access-group 131 out
BigIron#(config-if-e1000-3/11)# exit
So, if the source MAC address of the flow is already associated with a successfully authenticated 802.1X host that has a dynamically assigned IP ACL applied to it, then that dynamically assigned IP ACL is applied to the flow. When a port is authenticated using 802.1X security, an IP ACL or MAC address filter that exists in the running-config on the Foundry device can be dynamically applied to the port. To do this, you configure the Filter-ID (type 11) attribute on the RADIUS server. The Filter-ID attribute specifies the name or number of the Foundry IP ACL or MAC address filter. For example, " ip.
So to configure a dynamic ACL to permit incoming traffic from then add the following command to the switch: " access-list 2 permit host", and then make the RADIUS send the following attribute value ""
You may do the same but with a MAC filter by applying the following command on the switch: " mac filter 2 permit 3333.3333.3333 ffff.ffff.ffff any etype eq 0800" and let the RADIUS send this: ""
Foundry, Configuring 802.1X Port Security
Foundry, Software-Based IP Access Control Lists (ACLs)
Tags: Networks, Security, Foundry, Gr33n Data
20 December 2005
Sourceforge HOWTO
19 December 2005
Top 12 Languages @
- Java: 17,120 // I just hate this one
- C++: 17,049 // It's ok, but I prefer C more
- C: 16,171 // This one is my favorite, simply the best out there
- PHP: 12,511 // The best in web programming, however I dun like web programming
- Perl: 6,280 // I tried it but I didn't like it
- Python: 4,633 // Now I am learning it, and I am about to fall in love with it
- C#: 3,023 // What's that !? Yet another Microsoft crap !
- JavaScrip: 2,891 // Sucks, just like Java
- Visual Basic: 2,221 // See C#
- Delpi: 1,959 // Dunno it, sounds like some old fashion language
- Unix Shell: 1,885 // It's fine, but I think Python is enough
17 December 2005
Ubuntu - XMMS Freezes
apt-get install xmms apt-get install xmms-mp3 apt-get install xmms-madThen go to "Options->Preferences->Audio I/O Plugin->Output Plugin" and set it to "eSound Output Plugin..." The last trick helps in Beep-Media-Player too. Tags: Ubuntu, XMMS, Gr33n Data
16 December 2005
Python - libgmail Tutorial
First of all lets see how can we get the libgmail help, a.k.a man pages:
>>>import libgmailThen lets see how can we retrieve the messages in our the inbox:
>>>import libgmailNow lets say we want to print all the attached files in all the messages labled by "projectx"
>>>ga = libgmail.GmailAccount("", "password")
>>>folder = ga.getMessagesByFolder("inbox", True)
>>>for thread in folder:
>>>[TAB]print "Thread:",, "Subject:", thread.subject
>>>[TAB]for msg in thread:
>>>[TAB][TAB]print "Msg:",, ",Author",, ",Subject:", msg.subject
>>>import libgmailYou may also send a message this way:
>>>ga = libgmail.GmailAccount("", "password")
>>>folder = ga.getMessagesByLabel("projectx", True)
>>>for tread in folder:
>>>[TAB]for msg in thread:
>>>[TAB][TAB]for attach in msg.attachments:
>>>[TAB][TAB][TAB]print attach._getContent()
>>>import libgmailTo send attachmented files into the message:
>>>ga = libgmail.GmailAccount("", "password")
>>>msg=libgmail.GmailComposedMessage("", "SubjectHere", "BodyHere")
>>>import libgmailFinally I've noticed that sometimes the sendMessage() function fails - returns "HTTP Error 404: Not Found", and hope that they are going fix it soon. Actually the function fails on the first time but when you call it again it works, so you may use a "try-except" statement like the one below:
>>>ga = libgmail.GmailAccount("", "password")
>>>myFiles = ["/file1", "/file2", "/file3"]
>>>msg=libgmail.GmailComposedMessage("", "SubjectHere", "BodyHere", filenames=myFiles)
Tags: Python, Gmail, Gr33n Data
15 December 2005
C - Hex Dump Function
Tags: C, Programming, Gr33n Data
Better Check For Your Sanity
Bluetooth programming on GNU/Linux
14 December 2005
ISO/IEC 17799
Code Snippets - Python for S60
12 December 2005
IEEE OUI & Company ID's
One nice trick to know the manufacturer of a certain host is to "ping" it (it has to be in the same subnet with you), and then type "arp -a" to get his MAC address.
Tags: Networking, IEEE, Gr33n Data
11 December 2005
Do You Spleak English?
But it's really fishy that she does all of this for free! I think there is some hidden agenda out there. May be they have some plans to charge people for such services. Or may be they collect some date about people's behavior etc.
Tags: MSN, IM, Bot, Organizers, Gr33n Data
04 December 2005 Python Popular Links
Source: Import This @ Think Hole Labs
Tags: Programming, Python,, Gr33n Data
Where the Heck is Miss Mabrouk !?
Ritzy Mabrouk, the owner of a very famous blog in Egypt ( has disappeared. Her last post was on November 10, 2005 @ 5:00AM. Miss Mabrouk is a foreigner that lives in Maadi, Cairo. No one knows her real identity. Readers who loved reading her blog wondering "Where could she go?" Source: Ikhnaton2 - A WhisperHope she - She is one of my favorite bloggers - is fine.
Tags: Egypt, Blog, Gr33n Data
Photo Quiz

03 December 2005
Python Mobile Bluetooth Console
"sdptool add-channel=2 SP" (It shall tell you someting like "Serial Port service registered" now) "rfcomm listen /dev/rfcomm0 2" (It shall tell you something like "Waiting for connection on Channel2")Then on you Mobile Phone, go to Python (You have Python for Series60 installed on your phone, don't you !?). And choose Bluetooth Console from the Options menu. It should connect to the computer now. And the following will be shown on you computer "Connection from AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF to /dev/rfcomm0" then "Press CTRL-C for hangup", where AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF is your Mobile's Bluetoot Address The Linux equivalent to HyperTerminal is called minicom, so it's time to use it to open a console connection to the mobile phone. To run minicom type "minicom -s -m" then choose "Serial Port Setup" and set the Serial Device to "/dev/rfcomm0" and leave the rest as it is. Now press escape and exit the Serial Port Setup Menu. Here we go, you are now connected to the Python Shell on your Mobile Phone. If you'd like you may use this to send an SMS from your PC:
>>> import messagingWhere +20101234567 is the phone number you want to send your SMS to. Resources:
>>> messaging.sms_send("+20101234567",u"Hello World")
Tags: Nokia, Mobile, Linux, Bluetooth, Python, Gr33n Data
Views from Dubai Trip
Python for Nokia Series60
Tags: Mobile, Nokia, Programming, Code, Python, Technology, Gr33n Data
28 November 2005
Adam and Eve's Origins
After observing the painting for a while an intrigued observer asked the four men where they thought Adam and Eve's origins could be from.
The German said: "Look at the perfection of theirbodies. She with her slender and well-formed figure and he with that athletic body and bulging muscles. There is no doubt they must be of German origin."
Immediately the Frenchman reacts! "C'est Impossible! One can clearly see the eroticism that is exuding from both figures... She so feminine? He so masculine... And both so aware of the impending temptation... They must be French!"
Shaking his head in disagreement, the Englishman comments: "Oh No, Chaps it can't be! Note the serenity on their faces, their delicate pose, the sobriety in their gestures. They could only be English."
After a few more seconds of contemplation, the Egyptian exclaims: "I do NOT agree with ANY of your theories! Look closer, they do not have clothes, they do not have shoes, and they do not even have shelter. All they have is ONE apple to eat and to top it all off it is prohibited! They don't protest and they STILL think they are in Paradise!?? Clearly, these two can only be Egyptians!!!"
Tags: Fun, Egypt, Gr33n Data
26 November 2005
You've Got a Mail from The FBI
IF it says it's from the US Central Intelligence Agency or Federal Bureau of Investigation, avoid it like the plague. An e-mail is going around, claiming to be from the CIA or FBI. And if you open it using Windows, you'll be in big trouble. Source:,4136,97983,00.html
Tags: Computer, Security, Gr33n Data25 November 2005
I'm Back
14 November 2005
Murphy's Law of Availability
13 November 2005

Remote Controls
12 November 2005
Red Africa
11 November 2005
DL Most Popular Downloads - November 05
- Ad-Aware SE Personal Edition: 1,172,942 downloads
- Spyware Doctor: 872,347 downloads
- ICQ 5.04: 581,741 downloads
- iMesh: 553,928 downloads
- LimeWire: 477,272 downloads
- WinZip: 458,086 downloads
- Morpheus: 405,976 downloads
- Spybot - Search & Destroy: 375,030 downloads
- All-in-One Secretmaker: 346,977 downloads
- Registry Mechanic: 340,469 downloads
Iraqi Daily News!

Welcome Back, Dear Ubuntu.
10 November 2005
Jordanians: "Burn in hell, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi!"
Jordan Blasts
09 November 2005
08 November 2005
Printing Wikipedia, An Inverse Google Print
Palestinian Child's Spirit, Alive Peace Maker
04 November 2005
Mysterious Eve, and The Mysterious Arabic Text
"When you try to put a full-stop or an exclamation mark at the end of the sentence, the computer will put it at the beginning of it instead", Arabic Enabled @ Gr33nDataThen a nice Lebanese blogger called Mysterious Eve - she has a wonderful blog by the way - has sent me a comment there that solved most of the problems I was facing.
"the solution is easy. When you write in Arabic, align to the right, then insert dir="rtl" between div and right. plz email me if I wasn't clear enough.", Mysterious Eve.In English; put dir="rtl" in the div tag to look like this:
<div dir="rtl">SOME ARABIC TEXT</div>So I'd really like to thank her for her help, and hope that this may help other Arabic bloggers as well. Tags: Arabic, HTML, Technology, Gr33n Data
03 November 2005
Arresting Abdul Kareem: Defending Islam or Offending It?
An Egyptian blogger - Abdul Kareem Nabeel Soliman - was arrested on Wednesday 26 October 2005 by the Egyptian State Security (Amn El Dawla). According to his family, his arrest might be a result of his writings that are attacking Islam. His brother said that Abdul Kareem has a tense relation with Salafis in his hometown of Alexandria. He added that they might be the ones behind filing a complaint against his brother. Sources: , Miss Mabrouk, and Amr Gharbeia.I've visited his blog before and I do really disagree with his writings about Islam; however I still cannot find any reason for arresting someone for what he says or writes. And for those who think that he should be arrested for offending Islam, I believe that arresting him is more offending to Islam. Because by arresting him you are just telling everyone that Islam is in a real danger because of a couple of blog posts. And finally I do believe that Islam is great enough not to need any security forces to defend it, and will never be in danger because of a couple of blog posts, or even millions of them. Tags: Egypt, Abdolkarim, Detention, Blog, Gr33n Data
02 November 2005
Microsoft's Life Era
On Tuesday here at the Palace Hotel, Bill introduced what he's calling the "Live era," in which software and online services and applications work together, portions paid for by advertising and subscription revenue. Microsoft showed two online platforms, Windows Live and Microsoft Office Live. Windows Live looks like a cross between MSN and SharePoint. It's a customizable home page, with new features to be added as the beta continues.While Microsoft Office Live is a set of small business services, including Web hosting and e-mail that is built largely atop SharePoint and incorporates the old bCentral hosted services. Source: eWeek
The first (beta) iteration of Windows Live is now available at The website, which currently works only with Windows Internet Explorer — support for Firefox and other browsers is forthcoming — has a search engine like Google, access to news and information services like Yahoo and MSN but one more thing — a great deal of customization. When you first visit the site you see a sidebar with headings such as “My Web,” and “Gadgets” as well as information categories including Business, Entertainment, Health News, Science & Tech and Sports. Gadgets is a series of mini-applications such as e-mail, customized stock quotes, horoscopes and a ticking clock that all run from within the browser (unlike Apple’s Widgets, they do not run from the computer’s desktop). You can select a gadget from the list and drag it to any portion of your personal page. “Office Live” is targeted to the estimated 28 million small businesses worldwide with fewer than 10 employees. The basic free ad supported service will include a domain name, a web site with 30 MB of storage and five Web e-mail accounts — each email account gets up to two gigabytes of storage. For a fee, Office Live will also provide access to 22 business applications to “help automate daily business tasks such as project management, sales and collateral management, customer management, expense reports, time and billing management, and secure internal and external collaboration.” While this initiative marks a step forward for Microsoft, it is hardly a revolutionary concept. Sun and Oracle, for years, have been talking about using the Internet as the nexus for future computer operating systems. Google has been marching steadily forward launching many new services that go way beyond its original search function and Yahoo is continually expanding its offerings. Even AOL, which has traditionally been a dial-up access provider, is repositioning itself as a web services provider with free e-mail and other services. Source: CBS NewsTags: Microsoft, Technology, Gr33n Data Position On Top Time Trick

Publish Now, Or Save It For Tomorrow !?
01 November 2005
Arabic Enabled
- When you try to put a full-stop or an exclamation mark at the end of the sentence, the computer will put it at the beginning of it instead.
- When there is a sentence of both Arabic and English letters, the computer will just makes its best to rearrange the letters so that no one will be able to read it.
- Brackets and braces are real pain in the a**. (Where '*' = '*')
- Trying to use the backspace and delete button will delete any letter but the one you really want to delete.
- Sometimes copying and pasting a paragraph may result in rearranging the sentences there.
Happy Eid
Tags: Eid, Ramadan, Gr33n Data
31 October 2005
Spaling Mestaques ... Who Cares !?
30 October 2005
Women = SIN(2 * Pi * K * t)

The function shown below can be useful to represent the strength of the relation with time.
Women = SIN(2 * Pi * K * t)Recent studies are trying to make some kind of emotional rectifier in order to reach more steady behaviour than this one above. Also some studies think that this may be solved by knowing many women so that when any of them is in her negative phase you can easily dump her for another one in her positive phase, however there are many ethical issues regarding such solution.
- Pi: 3.1415 (Radian), or 90 (Degrees)
- K: Some constant, however more recent studies claim that it is function in the women itself, time, and the surrounding environment
- t: time
Tags: Women, Social, Mathematics, Humor, Gr33n Data
Cambridge English Dictionary
Here you are Cambridge Online English Dictionary to search in.
You may also use the following HTML code to add a link to this post on your own blog or web page:
<a href=""> Cambridge English Dictionary </a>
Tags: English, Dictionary, Gr33n Data
Diego Armando Maradona

29 October 2005
Who's Next?

OK ... That's it ... I didn't really expect to see such big number of FREAKS in the Bloggers-Land. It seems that it is time to go to sleep now!!
Tags: Blog, Internet, Gr33n Data
What Do You Like To See Here?
- Personal Stuff.
- News Comments.
- Movies Reviews.
- Photos of Egypt and Other Places I've Been to.
- Technical Stuff (HOWTO's, Blog Tips, etc.)
- General Thoughts about Life and Living
- Poetry and Short Stories
- Others
Which Blog Do You Like Most?
- This one,
- My Arabic Blog,
- Both of them are OK.
- They both suck!
What Classic Movie Am I?
28 October 2005
Tarek Has Been Tagged !!
- Finish this post ;-)
- Go to the cinema.
- Write programs in C on a Linux Machine.
- Get to know stuff, no one else knows.
- Find Miss Right.
- Find one more thing to write here.
- Be someone else, other than myself.
- Confess my emotions towards somebody openly.
- Stop thinking.
- apologize, especially if I don't have to.
- Stay with people I don't like.
- Talk on the phone.
- Let's find something to write here later.
- Eshta = OK
- Holy Shit = Mierda
- El Teneen = Very much
- Swayeka = Pretty Girl
- Ay kalam = Nonsense
- What's your IP !?
- Welcome to Bloggers Land
- Bent Masreya
- Sharks
- Ritzy Mabrouk
- Khagal
- Zeryab
- Haisam
- Anyone who may be interested.
27 October 2005
Long Blog Posts
26 October 2005
Never Walk Without a Document in Your Hand
25 October 2005
24 October 2005
African Cup of Nations - Egypt 2006 Website
Doom, The Game & The Movie
Recent Posts - Comments Count
<ul id="recently"> <BloggerPreviousItems> <li><a href="<$BlogItemPermalinkURL$>"><$BlogPreviousItemTitle$> </a></li> </BloggerPreviousItems> </ul>With this one:
<ul id="recently"> <BloggerPreviousItems> <li><a href="<$BlogItemPermalinkURL$>"><$BlogPreviousItemTitle$> (<$BlogItemCommentCount$>)</a></li> </BloggerPreviousItems> </ul>And once more, if you are reading this post in any blog aggregator and you can't see the code well, just click here. Tags: Blog, Blogspot, Gr33n Data
23 October 2005
Green Test
Color Blender
Mia's Comments Authors List
<p class="post-footer"> <em>posted by <$BlogItemAuthorNickname$> at <a href="<$BlogItemPermalinkUrl$>" title="permanent link"><$BlogItemDateTime$></a> </em> <MainOrArchivePage><BlogItemCommentsEnabled> <a class="comment-link" href="<$BlogItemCommentCreate$>" <$BlogItemCommentFormOnclick$>> <$BlogItemCommentCount$> comments</a> </BlogItemCommentsEnabled></MainOrArchivePage> <$BlogItemControl$> </p>To look like this
<p class="post-footer"> <em>posted by <$BlogItemAuthorNickname$> at <a href="<$BlogItemPermalinkUrl$>" title="permanent link"><$BlogItemDateTime$></a> </em> <MainOrArchivePage><BlogItemCommentsEnabled> <a class="comment-link" href="<$BlogItemCommentCreate$>" <$BlogItemCommentFormOnclick$>> <$BlogItemCommentCount$> comments</a> from: <BlogItemComments><$BlogCommentAuthor$>, </BlogItemComments> </BlogItemCommentsEnabled></MainOrArchivePage> <$BlogItemControl$> </p>Note: This is tested with ( only, and I don't know whether the same hack can be done on other blog hosting sites or not. Also, for readers, if the previous code is not shown well there, please click on the link to see the original post here . Tags: Internet, Blog, Blogspot, HTML, Gr33n Data
22 October 2005
20 October 2005
BlogRoll Me
Click here in order to add me to you BlogRoll bookmarks
Tags: Blog, Internet, Gr33n DataAccording To The West
Scorpions' Peace for All concert tour
Bird Flu - Wikipedia
19 October 2005
Xerox Conspiracy Theory
It seems that the U.S. government is tracking everyone and everything out there. Last year, an article in PC World magazine pointed out that printouts from many color laser printers contained yellow dots scattered across the page, viewable only with a special kind of flashlight. These dots may contain hidden information that could be used to track you down. Yesterday, the Electronic Frontier Foundation, a San Francisco consumer privacy group, said it had cracked the code used in a widely used line of Xerox printers, an invisible bar code of sorts that contains the serial number of the printer as well as the date and time a document was printed. The EFF said it has identified similar coding on pages printed from nearly every major printer manufacturer, including Hewlett-Packard Co., though its team has so far cracked the codes for only one type of Xerox printer. Source: question now is whether it is only printers, or there is a lot more under cover? Who can be sure now that they are not using their domination of the Technology market in order to track every move we make and every breath we take? I cannot stop myself from thinking that they may be recording our online behavior, there may be some logging systems to record our MSN, or Yahoo Messanger conversations, and may be Emails as well. May be there is some piece of code in our browsers to tell them what kind of sites we visit and when do we visit them. Anyway we are going to be tracked as long as we use technology and not create it ourselves. Tags: USA, Conspiracy, Theory, Track, Printers, Gr33n Data
Zamalekfans Is Back
18 October 2005
Want To Track My Comments
Kindergarten Gifts
The florist’s son handed her a gift. She shook it, held it overhead, and said, “I bet I know what it is. Flowers.” “That’s right!” the boy said, “But, how did you know?” “Oh, just a wild guess,” she said. The next pupil was the sweet shop owner’s daughter. The teacher held her gift overhead, shook it, and said, “I bet I can guess what it is. A box of sweets.” “That’s right, but how did you know?” asked the girl. “Oh, just a wild guess,” said the teacher.
The next gift was from the son of the liquor storeowner. The teacher held the package overhead, but it was leaking. She touched a drop off the leakage with her finger and put it to her tongue. “Is it wine?” she asked. “No,” the boy replied, with some excitement. The teacher repeated the process, tasting a larger drop of the leakage. “Is it champagne?” she asked.
“No,” the boy replied, with more excitement. The teacher took one more big taste before declaring, “I give up, what is it?” With great glee, the boy replied, “It’s a puppy!”
Tags: School, Kids, Gr33n Data
Know Yourself Test
- Apple
- Banana
- Orange
- Peach
- If you have chosen apple: this means that you are a person who loves to eat apples.
- If you have chosen banana: this means that you are a person who loves to eat bananas.
- If you have chosen orange: this means that you are a person who loves to eat oranges.
- If you have chosen peach: this means that you are a person who loves to eat peaches.
17 October 2005
Polyphasic Sleep
Polyphasic sleep is a sleep pattern specification intended to compress sleep time to 2-5 hours daily. This is achieved by spreading out sleep into short (around 20-45 minute) naps throughout the day. This allows for more waking hours with relatively high alertness. The theory is that ordinary monophasic sleep consists of many phases, only a few of which are needed for survival. REM sleep, occurring quite late in the sequence, is commonly believed to be one such necessary phase. It is believed that after being deprived of sleep during an adjustment period, the brain will start to enter the required stages much quicker - with the result that each short nap consists almost solely of REM sleep. Some theories of sleep suggest that REM is largely responsible for the mental rejuvenation effects of sleep, but the role of REM sleep has in recent years been disputed. It has been documented that depriving rats of REM sleep specifically leads to death in 3 to 8 weeks (which doesn't happen with depriving test animals of other specific sleep phases), but it has also been documented that humans survive without REM sleep. Since polyphasic sleepers get a lot of Stage 4 NREM and REM sleep, they may achieve higher alertness levels than those who do not know the art of catnapping. Several famous people applied catnapping to a large extent. These include Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Edison and Buckminster Fuller. Other figures said to be associated with polyphasic sleep experimentation include Nikola Tesla, Napoleon, and Winston Churchill. This method was also popularized on Seinfeld, where the character Cosmo Kramer attempted to adapt to a polyphasic sleeping pattern. Source: think this kind of sleep pattern can be very usefult ot those who suffer from low sleeping hours in Ramadan, however I do not think that one can be used to it easily. Tags: Health, Science, Biology, Sleeping, Gr33n Data
Comedy Here, And Horror There
15 October 2005
Microsoft, Yahoo to Link IM Networks
Addicted to Google !?
When I think of Google, I think of the arch-villain Mr. Big from the James Bond film Live and Let Die. His diabolical plan: Flood the streets with free heroin to drive out competing suppliers and dealers. Once users got hooked on his free smack, Mr. Big could leverage control over the entire market. Adam L. Penenberg, SlateTags: Business, Internet, Gr33n Data
14 October 2005
Blog Flavors
In fact I visited your blog more than once, but, I didn't leave a comment. I felt that your blog is too hi-tec for me:) Wonderer, Away from HomeActually, I do not publish technical stuff here all the time. There are posts about Egypt, arts, movies I've seen lately, and sometimes uncategorized ones. So the question is, shall everyone have different blogs each has its own topic, i.e. one for posts in Arabic, one for those in English, one for politics, one for technical stuff etc.? I do have one blog for Arabic posts and other one - this one - for English ones. But I feel that having a blog for each particulat topic on its own, may lead to having many blogs that will be hard to manage, also this may lead to having blogs with a single or may be a couple of posts there. In fact I found that most of those who have more than three or four blogs, are updating one or to of them frequenlty, and leaving the rest of them not updated for months. One of the best solutions for that is the Tagging System Technorati uses in order to categorize different posts based on some keywords., and I started to add keywords at the end of my posts lately, however Blogspot do not offer a method of sorting your blog posts based on these categories or tags as many other blog hosting services do. Tags: Blogs, General, Gr33n Data